Participants wanted for a study

Riham Mohamed, a PhD student supervised by Dr. Sonia Chiasson in the School of Computer Science at Carleton University is conducting a user study exploring factors influencing managers’ hiring decisions in the digital age, in particular, how these decisions relate to social media.

The study involves one 60-minute session that includes viewing an online profile of a fictitious job candidate, followed by an interview and questionnaire about experience as a manager and opinion of the fictional profile. Participants will be compensated $20.

Riham is looking for personnel that:

(1) currently or previously employed in a managerial position or who have been responsible for job hiring

(2) who are able to read and speak English fluently, and;

(3) who have experience using social media.

The session can take place on campus or a mutually convenient location. It can also be remotely via Skype/Google Hangouts/phone call.

If you are interested in participating or have any questions, please contact:

There are no known risks associated with this study and it has been cleared by the Carleton University Research Ethics Board (CUREB-B), REB clearance 109256.  If you have concerns about the ethics of this research, please contact